Seminole State College

MediaVue + Appspace Case Study

Project Summary

Location: Seminole, Florida

This case study highlights the successful implementation of a digital signage installation at Seminole State College in Florida. 

The college aimed to enhance communication across its four campuses by deploying a dynamic, engaging, and easy to manage digital signage network. 

To achieve this goal, the team selected the MediaVue platform, in combination with Appspace’s content management system. 


The Goal & The Challenge

Seminole State College sought to improve communication and engagement across its higher education campuses by implementing a more reliable digital signage system. The primary goal was to provide timely and relevant information to students, faculty, and visitors, including event updates, campus announcements, and emergency alerts. 

The college faced the challenge of finding a scalable and efficient solution that could be easily managed across multiple campuses without overwhelming IT resources. They needed a user-friendly CMS that could a variety of content applications and a hardware solution that ensured reliability and security while accommodating the diverse needs of a higher education institution.

The college sought a solution that would not only ensure consistent and engaging content delivery but also resolve the occurrence of noticeable black screens promptly and efficiently.

Pre solution problem : Students and staff would note black screens when content should be playing

The Solution

Hardware: MediaVue's SureVue Players
Device Management: MediaVue's Active Network Manager
Content Management : Appspace

To address Seminole State College’s diverse digital signage requirements, the project team opted for a comprehensive solution that incorporated Appspace on both of MediaVue’s SureVue D1 and SureVue D4 players. The D1 player was selected for single and dual screen solutions, while the D4 player was chosen to drive multiple video wall installations, further enriching the visual experience on campus.

The MediaVue OS, purpose-built for digital signage, came pre-integrated with the Appspace CMS, providing a seamless and efficient deployment experience. The integration eliminated the need for on-site software installation, saving time and simplifying the setup process. 

Appspace provided a wide range of applications and content templates tailored to meet the unique needs of higher education institutions like Seminole State College. These applications allowed the college to showcase event schedules, campus news, weather updates, emergency alerts, and more, catering to the specific requirements of students, faculty, and visitors.

Moreover, MediaVue’s active network manager proved instrumental in tackling the challenge of configuring 110 devices across multiple campuses. By enabling remote setup and batch configuration, the install team efficiently deploy all the players within each building together, minimizing manual effort and ensuring consistent settings across the network. The tool also provided additional display control capabilities to help alleviate the black screen issue. 

The Result

Operating in a mixed-use case of single screen, dual screen, and video wall configurations, MediaVue was able to deliver a standard turnkey solution with Appspace for content management. 

The entire platform successfully underwent multiple rounds of third-party network security testing prior to deployment, which MediaVue supported fully with pre-sales engineering.

The deployment of MediaVue hardware and Appspace CMS at Seminole State College yielded outstanding results for their communication focused digital signage network. The college achieved its goal of improved communication and engagement, delivering timely and relevant information to its diverse audience across all campuses.

Location: Single screens and video walls across campus

The Benefits of the MediaVue & Appspace Solution

Location: Video wall outside campus bookstore
  1. Enhanced Communication: Seminole State College now efficiently disseminates event updates, campus announcements, and emergency alerts, fostering better communication between students, faculty, and visitors.

  2. Engaging Visual Experience: The content powered by the hardware provided captivating visual displays, contributing to an immersive and engaging experience for all stakeholders.

  3. Streamlined Deployment: The integration of MediaVue OS with Appspace CMS simplified the deployment process, reducing setup time and complexity, making it an ideal solution for higher education institutions with limited IT resources.

  4. Efficient Device Management: MediaVue’s device management tool allowed the integrator to monitor the player population and assist the end-user with device management, ensuring smooth and reliable operation.

  5. Ongoing Support: MediaVue’s dedicated support team played a critical role in the success of the installation. They provided remote assistance during deployment and continued to offer support for monitoring and updating tasks.

Overall, the successful digital signage installation at Seminole State College exemplifies how the combination of MediaVue hardware and Appspace CMS can effectively address the communication needs of higher education institutions. 

By offering high performance hardware,  a purpose built operating system,  and streamlined management, the MediaVue & Appspace solution provides a valuable resource for enhancing campus communication and the overall college experience.